Goddess Wisdom Spread


Card 1: Intuition. What is your intuition telling you right now?
4 coins
Inanna-the Sumerian goddess of love, beauty, sexual desire, fertility, knowledge, wisdom, war, and combat. She was the most prominent female deity in ancient Mesopotamia. She later became identified by the Akkadians and Assyrians as the goddess Ishtar, and further with the Hittite Sauska, the Phoenician Astarte and the Greek Aphrodite, among many others.

This card speak about knowing when I have enough and need no more of that(could be knowledge, money and stuff) in my life. I can’t have it ALL. I don’t need it ALL. To be happy with what I have and not to fall victim to wanting more and more, not to be insatiable. The content with what I have and deserve. To know limit to my hunger and not to allow it to control me.

Card 2: Nurturance. What is nurturing you right now, or what in your life needs to be nurtured?
Wheel of fortune

Arianrhod was the Celtic Goddess of fertility, rebirth and the weaving of cosmic time and fate. Her name has been translated as silver-wheel, a symbol that represents the ever-turning wheel of the year. The wheel may also refers to the oar wheel upon which she carried the dead back to her heavenly northern land the Corona Borealis. Here according to some Welsh traditions the dead souls waited for the Goddess and her female attendants to decide their fate before being reincarnated.

The message here is simple-be happy, just be happy today. Experience joy without shame, don’t hold it for tomorrow. Enjoy your life today, in present. Every moment of happiness is precious, feel it to fullest.

Card 3: Universe. How are the energies of the universe aligning around you now?
The empress
Lada is the Slavic Goddess of spring, love, and beauty. She was worshiped throughout Russia, Poland, and other areas of Eastern Europe. Lada’s themes are spring, protection, overcoming, kinship, energy, and joy.

I feel this card as a blessing to the processes I am going through. The energies are supportive of me because I am moving the right direction. The universe offers me the spring energies. Time to keep growing and blooming, to show the beauty in me, the light I am.

Card 4: Goddess Wisdom. What wisdom from the Goddess guides you now?
rx 5 coins
Hel- The famous Norse goddess and daughter of the god Loki. She rules over the identically-named Hel, the underworld where many of the dead dwell. Her name’s meaning of “Hidden” surely has to do with the underworld and the dead being “hidden” or buried beneath the ground.

This card points to the fact that period of hardships(mostly financial) for me over and I have to realize it. If I am smart enough and have learned my lesson there it shouldn’t return.


One thought on “Goddess Wisdom Spread

  1. Reblogged this on Celestial Recognitions and commented:
    A very insightful and wonderful reader used a spread I created and posted the reading on their blog, so I wanted to share by reblogging here! The Goddess Wisdom spread is a simple 4-card layout:
    Card 1: Intuition. What is your intuition telling you right now?
    Card 2: Nurturance. What is nurturing you right now, or what in your life needs to be nurtured?
    Card 3: Universe. How are the energies of the universe aligning around you now?
    Card 4: Goddess Wisdom. What wisdom from the Goddess guides you now?


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